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What is inline CSS?

An inline CSS uses the style attribute of an HTML element. The following example sets the text color of the element to blue, and the text color of the element to red: An internal CSS is used to define a style for a single HTML page. An internal CSS is defined in the section of an HTML page, within a element.

How to use inline styles?

With inline styles, you’ll add the style attribute to an HTML tag followed by your CSS to style an element. So in our case, the text of the first paragraph is red with a font-size of 20px. The second one, however, remains unchanged. Let’s take a closer look at how and when to use inline styles.

Why are there so many inline styles in HTML e-mail?

For this reason, HTML e-mail often contain lots of inline styles. Some of the styles included may be archaic, to support older e-mail-viewing clients. Another time you will see inline styles is on dynamic websites that use JavaScript. Often, JavaScript scripts will add inline styles to HTML.

What is an internal CSS?

An internal CSS is defined in the section of an HTML page, within a element. The following example sets the text color of ALL the elements (on that page) to blue, and the text color of ALL the elements to red. In addition, the page will be displayed with a "powderblue" background color:

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